2018 Pinewood Derby Results

We had record turnout for this year's Pinewood Derby race with over 60 Scouts and siblings participating. Please see the below winners for each Den along with the overall Pack winners. All Scouts whose cars did not place in the race will automatically be entered into the Design Competition which will be judged and announced at the Blue & Gold Ceremony. Look HERE for complete results!
** Please note that Scouts who placed in the top three for the Overall Pack were not allowed to also place in their Dens.**
First Place Overall Winner
Elrik Heaney (Bear Den)
Second Place Overall
Isaac Edgar (Wolf Den)
Third Place Overall
Robbie Jeanmenne (Wolf Den)
Webelos II Den Winner
Christopher Hill
Webelos I Den Winner
Ezra Gernand
Bear Den Winner
Trey Zanghi*
Wolf Den Winner
Layton Covol*
PFE Tiger Den Winner
Carter Robinson
GW/MN Tiger Den Winner
Max Jeanmenne
Lion Den Winner
Jude Gernand
Fuel Efficiency
Dominic Scipione (Lion Den)