Annual Popcorn Sale
The annual Trail's End Popcorn Sale is our main fundraiser for the year. It allows Scouts to raise money for Scouting by selling a nationally recognized product. The national distribution also allows Scouts to sell to distant friends and relatives as well as selling locally to neighbors.
Remember, at Pack 375 we share the fundraising profits with our Scouts. Starting with the 2019 - 2020 season, Pack 375 will split fundraising profits with Scouts and will place the Scout's portion in a "Family Account." Money in the Family Accounts may be used for things that benefit the entire pack such as: paying dues, buying uniforms, paying for trips & summer camp and other items as approved by Pack Committee. Dues do not have to be paid from the Family Account, however dues must be paid in full before the Family Account can be used for any other purpose. Leftover money in the Family Account will be absorbed into the Pack account after a family leaves Pack.
There are several sales avenues that Scouts can use for selling popcorn. Regardless of the method, they all require the Scout to have an account at the Scout to have their own Trail's End account (set up and managed by a parent). This is new for the 2019 sale.
2019 Key Dates
August 24 - Sign-up for Show-n-Sell shifts begins
September 1 - Official start for Face-To-Face sale.
September 13 - Popcorn Kick Off & Movie Night
October 23 - Face-To-Face Product & Prize Orders due
November 8 - Face-To-Face product ready for pick-up
November 20 - Final Payment Due
December 18 - Prizes distributed (tentative, depending on prize availability)
Setting up an account at Trail's End
The Trails End account can be set up two ways:
On-line at
Using the Trails End mobile app, which can be downloaded at
Regardless of which method you use, you will need the following information to set up the account:
Council: Juniata Valley
District: Nittany Mountain
Unit: Pack 375
On-Line Sales
This method of selling requires the least amount of effort, however the amount of sales will depend on the time spent creating the Scout's on-line store and the amount of time spent "marketing."
To get started, log into the Trails End website and on the left menu select "Manage Page." From there you can customize the Scout's page to tell customers why they should support him or her, select a favorite product and upload videos and pictures. Remember, you are selling Scouting, not popcorn. Talk about all the benefits of Scouting and how the popcorn sale benefits the Scout and the Pack.
Once you have the page finished, you can share the link with friends and family via e-mail, text and social networking sites.
Some benefits to on-line sales:
Free Shipping (new this year)
No minimum order
Product is shipped directly to customer
Payment processed by Trails End - money does not have to be handled by Scout, parents or Pack
Alternate product selections
Bulk discounts
Package deals
Show-n-Sell Sales
Also called "Storefront Sales," this is when Scouts set up a table to sell product in a static location (typically a store). With this method, customers pay for and take the product at the sale. Scouts can sign up for slots at Show-n-Sell Sales that are arranged by the Pack (see below) or they can host their own (at a church, for example). To arrange your own Show-n-Sell, please contact the Cubmaster. While there is no guarantee for future sales, last year Pack 375 averaged $170 in sales per hour at Show-n-Sell sales or $1,358 per 8 hour sale.
Scout Expectations:
Scouts must look "neat" and wear their Class A uniform with their shirts tucked in
Scouts must arrive for their shift on time
Scouts must adhere to the Scout Law (especially, a Scout is Courteous, Kind, Obedient and Cheerful)
Parent (or other guardian) Expectations:
Parents must stay with their Scout during the the Show-n-Sell
Parents must have the Trails End Mobile App on a phone or other device with an internet connection
Parents must help their Scouts with the sale and be responsible for any money collected.
The parents at the first shift of the day must make arrangements to pick up the supplies from the Cubmaster before the sale and set up the table and products.
The parents at the last shift of the day must make arrangement to drop off the proceeds of the sale and unsold product to the Cubmaster after the sale and tear down the table.
Sales will be recorded in the Trails End Mobile App.
The app will also be used to process credit card transactions
Sales credit will be divided among all Scouts participating that day based on time spent by the Scout divided by the total time spent by Scouts. For example, most sales days are 8 hours long with 2 slots per shift, for a total of 16 "Scout hours." If a Scout works 4 hours, he or she will receive 25% of the credit for the total sales for that day.
Signing Up:
Initially, each Scout can sign up for a maximum of 2 time slots
On 9/4 - Any spots open for the 9/7 or 9/8 sales will be open to be filled by Scouts already signed up for 2 (or more) time slots.
On 9/11 - Any spots open for the 9/15 sales will be open to be filled by Scouts already signed up for 2 (or more) time slots.
On 9/18 - Any spots open for the remaining sales will be open to be filled by Scouts already signed up for 2 (or more) time slots.
Scouts should never work more than 2 time slots (4 hours) each day
In order to maximize the sales credit for each Scout, each 2 hour shift will be limited to 2 Scouts. If a family has more than 2 Scouts and they all want to work the same shift, sign up the first two Scouts and then e-mail the Cubmaster to add additional family members to the shift.
To sign up, log into or the Trails End Mobile App and navigate to the "Storefront Sales" section.
Show-n-Sell Dates:
September 7 - Sam's Club (half day only)
September 8 - Lowe's
September 15 - Walmart (Atherton)
September 22 - Sam's Club
September 29 - Sam's Club
October 6 - Lowe's
October 12 - Sam's Club
October 13 - Lowe's
October 19 - Sam's Club
October 20 - Sam's Club
Wagon Sales
A "Wagon Sale" is when a Scout or Scouts take product around a neighborhood in a wagon to sell to customers. The selected products are delivered to the customer immediately and payment is taken at that time. Pack 375 does not currently participate in Wagon Sales, but will consider offering this as an option in the future. If it does, this section will be updated.
In-Person Orders
Perhaps the most traditional method of selling Trail's End Popcorn is to take orders in person. With this method a Scout goes door to door or asks friends and family in person to purchase popcorn. Previous experiences has show that Scouts can earn $100 - $200 in sales per hour using this method.
Scout Expectations:
Scouts must look "neat" and wear their Class A uniform with their shirts tucked in
A Scout is Courteous. Do not walk on grass or through landscaping. Stick to sidewalks and driveways
Scouts must adhere to the Scout Law (especially, a Scout is Courteous, Kind, Obedient and Cheerful)
Parent (or other guardian) Expectations:
Parents must stay with their Scout
Parents are encouraged to have the Trails End Mobile App on a phone or other device with an internet connection
Parents must help their Scouts with the sale and be responsible for any money collected.
Taking Orders:
We recommend recording sales using the paper forms distributed by the Pack
The Trail's End app can be used to process credit card without any processing fees. Record the sale as a "Wagon Sale" but be sure to mark the sale as "not delivered."
While not mandatory, we recommend that you collect payment at the time of order.
Checks should be made out to "BSA Pack 375"
Submitting Orders:
Orders must be submitted to the Pack using the Trail's End app or website.
Total all of the products sold on your order form(s) and submit them as a single, large "Wagon Sale." Be sure to make the sale as "not delivered." Also be sure that you do not "double count" customer orders that were taken on the Trail's End app.
Your total In-Person Order will be the total of any individual customer orders recorded on the app plus the single, large "Wagon Sale" described above.
Orders must be submitted by the order due date above.
DO NOT turn in your order forms!
Orders will not be accepted via e-mail or in person. They must be submitted as directed above.
Delivering Orders:
You must make arrangements to pick-up your order on the date(s) listed above. Please double check your order for accuracy before leaving.
Product should be delivered to your customers in a timely manor.
We suggest including a thank you card or note with each order you deliver.
Popcorn must be paid for by the date listed above.
Payment should consist of any checks written to the Pack by customers, and a check written to the Pack to cover all of the cash collected by Scouts. If a family is unable to make a check payment, all cash must be in a sealed envelope with the Scout's name, and all bills must be flat, facing the same direction and in order of denomination.
Any payments collected using the app will automatically be credited to the balance due.
Some customers want to support Scouting but do not want to purchase popcorn. There are two ways that they can do this.
Military Donations:
Support our troops by sending a gift of popcorn to military men & women, their families, & veteran organizations.
This is the default destination for donated money.
Record Military donations in the Trail's End App or on the Trail's End Website the same way that In-Person orders are recorded. Note that donations not fitting in the $50 or $30 product options can be recorded as a "Miscellaneous Military Donation."
All money received in a donation jar, or any time a Scout asks for a donation MUST be applied to Military Donations.
Military Donations count toward Trail's End, Council and Pack 375 prizes and incentives.
The Pack receives the same commission on Military Donations as we do on popcorn sales.
Pack 375 Donations:
Some customers want to support Pack 375 directly. As long as we did not solicit a donation, we are permitted to accept it.
Please report any Pack 375 Donations when you submit your prize selection e-mail and submit the money with your popcorn payment.
Pack 375 Donations count toward Pack 375 Prizes and Incentives. They cannot count toward Trail's End or Council prizes.
Prizes & Incentives
Scouts in Pack 375 are eligible to receive prizes and incentives from three separate sources. Trail's End, Juniata Valley Council and Pack 375.
Trail's End:
Scouts who sell $1,500 will receive gift cards from Trail's End. Details can be found on the sales flyer.
Amazon gift cards will be automatically distributed to eligible Scouts
Scouts who sell $2,500 in any calendar year will qualify for a Trail's End Scholarship. Visit for details.
Juniata Valley Council:
All Scouts with a recorded sale will receive a participation patch from Juniata Valley Council
Scouts who sell $115 or more are eligible to receive a variety of prizes the Council ranging from light sticks to gift cards to an Xbox One S.
Council prize selections are due at the same time as popcorn orders. Prize selections must be e-mailed to Please be sure to include the prize description AND prize number listed on the prize sheet.
If a prize selection is not received by the due date, a mystery prize will be selected for the Scout.
The council will have a Sales Party for all Scouts who sell over $750. Party details will be announced after the conclusion of the popcorn sale. This does not "count" as a prize selection.
The council will also award gift cards for the top three sellers.
Council prizes are in addition to any gift cards earned through Trail's End.
Pack 375:
Pack 375 offers the following incentives in addition to those listed above:
$200: Throw a pie in the Cubmaster’s face
$400: Tie-Dyed t-shirt with new design (for Scout)
$800: 2nd Tie-Dyed t-shirt with new design (for Parent or sibling)
One On-Line Sale: Cub Scout Key Chain
One of Each Product: Folding camp chair (Does not include on-line or Show-N-Sell sales.)
Fill a Sheet: $25 Gift Certificate to Appalachian Outdoors (Orders from 30 individuals recorded on order form or as Waggon Sale in App.)
Top Seller in Pack: US Flag flown over the US Capitol Building
Den with highest per capita sales: First in line (after featured guests) for desert at Blue & Gold Banquet
Pack Reaches $20,000 Sales Goal: Cubmaster will wear a tutu for a Pack Meeting!
Most Pack 375 incentives will be automatically awarded with the following exceptions:
If you qualify for 1 or 2 t-shirts, please e-mail your desired shirt sizes with your Council prize selections
Please notify us via e-mail if you qualify for the "Fill a Sheet" incentive (a Scout is Trustworthy)
Note that donations received at Show-N-Sell sales count toward Pack 375 prizes and incentives but do not count toward any other prizes or incentives.