2015 Pack 375 Basketball Clinic and Penn State Men's Basketball Game!
Cub Scout Pack 375 partnered up with Penn State to hold a basketball clinic followed by a Penn State Men's Basketball Game! Penn State...

2015 Blue and Gold Ceremony
The 2015 Cup Scout Pack 375 Blue and Gold Ceremony was a wonderful event despite the chilly weather outside. The Pack came together to...

2015 Pack 375 Pinewood Derby Results
It's official folks! The results of the 2015 Pack 375 Pinewood Derby are in! Each Scout competed against their other Den members in the...

2015 Pack 375 Winter Camping
Cub Scout Pack 375 enjoyed a fun-filled weekend of Winter Camping at Seven Mountain Scout camp this weekend. The weather was cold, but...

Successful 2014 Scouting for Food Drive!
Cub Scout Pack 375 in coordination with Boy Scout Troop 375 had another successful Scouting for Food fall drive. The cub scouts...

Cub Scout Pack 375 Haunted Trail and Pumpkin Carving!
Cub Scout Pack 375 joined with Boy Scout Pack 375 for the annual Haunted Trail and pumpkin carving at Halfmoon Valley Park. The boys...

Cub Scout Pack 375 Kicks off the 2014 - 2015 Scouting Season!
Cub Scout Pack 375 officially kicked off the 2014 - 2015 scouting season on Thursday September 18th. The pack met at Grays United...